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Tuesday, 18 February 2014

What is a diet?

Feel Good Personal Training

What is a diet? Everyone seems to be on one but so few are getting the results they so desperately want and need for their health.

The english dictionary defines diets as: the kinds of food that a person, animal, or community habitually eats. This bring me quite nicely onto my next point. I would like to share with you some recent figures released by the NHS on the average waist size. The average waste size in the 1950's was 27 inches, today its 34 inches. If that trend continues the averages waste size in 2050 will be 42 inches. This clearly shows that are community habitual eating patterns, diets and lifestyles are changing and we as a society are getting fatter. But yet everyone seems to be dieting and everything out there seems to be "healthy". Confusing or what eh! 

Forget dieting for now. I spend all of my time talking to clients, family and friends who are trying to lose weight and I would say that 99% of them aren't ready for a diet. Our lifestyles include everything that we are doing in our day to day lives. Our exercise, work, diet, activity levels and so. This together makes up our lifestyle. We can clearly see from the average waist size that the average lifestyle is making us fatter. Before you should even start to think about dieting you need to think about your lifestyle. The questions below should help you answer if your ready for a diet or not. 

1/ Am I in a regular exercise routine?
2/ Am I conscious of what I am eating and when?
3/ Do I cook my own meals?
4/ Am I conscious of the amount I drink? 14 units for women and 21 units for men. 
5/ Am I conscious of what a healthy meal is?
6/ Am I conscious of when I am eating unhealthily? 
7/ Are you sticking to a healthy lifestyle for 90% of the week?
8/ Is it easy to stick to what your currently doing?

If you answered no to any of these questions your probably not ready for a diet and should concentrate on the areas of your lifestyle that are stopping your from answering yes to this question. If you answered yes to all of these questions, your probably ready for a diet. Before you start a diet lets talk a little bit more about what a diet is and the rules of dieting. 

Dieting is sticking to a strict set of nutritional guidelines for a short period of time (1-3 Months) and then going back to adopting your healthy lifestyle you had before you started your diet. A lot of peoples downfall is that they try dieting continuously. There is a big difference between dieting for a short period of time and having a healthy lifestyle that you can stick to. I see a lot of people thinking a healthy lifestyle is a diet. 

Rules of dieting.

  1. Don't stray away from your dieting guidelines
  2. Don't expect results in two days and get dis motivated when you haven't got a 6 pack after a week. Change takes time.
  3. Watch what your drinking, remember they contain marco nutrients too. 

There are lots of different types and style of diet out there that you can try. I would consult with a professional before doing so to ensure your on the best diet for you. But remember there is a big different between being on a diet and having a healthy lifestyle. If you don't have a healthy lifestyle your first steps should be to obtain on. Once you've done that and find it easy to manage then you'll be ready for some hardcore dieting. 

For more information on personal training in and around Sevenoaks, Tunbridge Wells and Tonbridge please get in touch.

07757 345 764 

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