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Monday, 27 January 2014

Do “Diet” Drinks really make you gain weight?

Feel Good Personal Training
Personal Training Services in Sevenoaks, Tunbridge Wells and Tonbridge

Do “Diet” Drinks really make you gain weight?

“Diet” and “Low Fat” foods have been named some of the most misconstrued and dangerous items in our supermarkets today. Clever marketing techniques and flashy sales pitches persuade you to buy in an attempt to lower your waist size and eat healthier. However how healthy are these products really? We will go into a little more detail over the next few weeks on the so called healthier food options, but in this article we will be focusing on the diet soft drinks.

There are many conflicting studies citing the effects of diet soft drinks on your waist size and body fat levels, but many athletes and dieters still consume them to help curb their cravings and get them through the harder days that dieting has to offer, yet still get themselves in incredible condition. So can they really be that bad for your waistline? Unfortunately the answer is a bit more complicated than a simple yes or no.

A recent study in America, which followed more than 5000 adults for between 7 and 8 years, showed that while both those who consumed sugar free drinks and those who consumed sugary drinks both gained weight, the weight gain was far greater in those that drank the diet soft drinks! This may be down to the fact that as you are aware you are drinking a lower calorie drink, it is proven that you eat more and snack more! It may also be down to the fact that artificial sweeteners actually increase your cravings for sugar, it’s the sweet taste that is incredibly addictive, so the more sweeteners you have the more sugar you consume from your diet!

However that is not to say that if you are following a calorie restricted diet that you will gain any weight at all by drinking diet drinks. If you are careful and monitor what you eat, controlling your cravings there is no reason that you will gain weight. It’s all about being strict with yourself, I personally allow myself one can of Coke Zero per 3 days whilst dieting, this has no effect on my progress as I monitor everything else that I consume during the day, and can be a great little lift when things get hard.

So just remember drinking diet beverages alone is not enough to counter over eating – the only way to maintain a healthy weight is by balancing calories consumed and calories burned!

For more information on our Personal Training Services in Sevenoaks, Tunbridge Wells and Tonbridge, and what we can offer you, get in touch!

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