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Thursday, 10 October 2013

Nutrition Tip – Funky Feta Skewers

One Mango,
One Melon,
Full Fat Feta Cheese,
Chill powder,
Lime Juice
And Poppy seeds

Put the mango on one plate, melon on another and feta on a third. Scatter some poppy seeds over each, and gently toss so the seeds stick. Assemble 10 skewers with cubes of mango and feta, and 10 skewers with cubes of melon and feta. Stick into citrus fruit, if you like, or arrange on a platter, and squeeze over the lime. Cover and chill until about 20 minutes before serving 
Give it ago and let me know how you get on.

For more information on personal training in Sevenoaks, Tonbridge and Tunbridge Wells get in touch! 

Dominic Burns

07757 345 764 

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