
I hope you enjoy the content of the blog's. If there is a subject you would be interested to learn about please email me.

Monday, 23 December 2013

Feel Good Personal Training - Keeping the Fat off this Christmas

Keeping The Fat Off This Christmas

We are all looking forward to the mass amounts of food we eat over the Christmas period, in fact a recent survey shows that the average Christmas dinner contains nearly 2,000 calories! However, a rare benefit of splurging on excess calories is it will actually support muscle growth. As you should all know, muscle is the main variable in your metabolism, more muscle = a higher metabolism. So adding a bit of muscle over Christmas will actually help you stay lean and increase your fat loss efforts in January.

Our body can only store a certain amount of carbohydrates (in the form of glycogen) at any one time. If we train hard before devouring one of our Christmas feasts we will be burning the majority of our bodies glycogen stores, so the high GI carbohydrates found in your roast potatoes and stuffing etc. will mainly be used to replenish your bodies glycogen stores instead of hanging around, waiting to be turned into fat. The proteins contained in your turkey will be used to help repair and grow the muscle fibers you’ve just trained, and all the excess fats that taste so good will have less of an impact on your body as your metabolism is still ramped up. Any type of exercise will be of benefit, however you will benefit mostly by performing a high intensity weight based circuit.

 So there’s no reason to feel guilty about consuming more than normal this Christmas, after all, it’s a time to celebrate and be merry with your loved ones. But with a bit of forward planning and dedication, there’s also no reason for you to put on the British average of a whopping 6lbs between Christmas and New Year. Need any help losing weight in the New Year get in touch for our 12 week transformation programme - Only £49. 

Merry Christmas
The Feel Good Personal Training Team

Wednesday, 18 December 2013

Feel Good Personal Training - Introduction to Carb Cycling

Feel Good Personal Training 

Introduction to Carb Cycling 

Ever wondered how much you can change your shape through diet? Feel Good Personal Training trainers Dominic and Neil are going to blog and show you how they transform their body shapes through a hard carb cycling dieting programme with the end goal of being as lean as possible. 

On 7/12/13 we started at;

Neil - 117kg at 21.1% Bodyfat
Dominic - 90kg at 18% Bodyfat

Carb cycling is a very effective form of weight loss. Carb cycling is a low carbohydrate diet with intermittent periods of high, low or no carbs. The carb cycling diet is ideal for maximising fat loss whilst maintaining muscle mass and the ability to perform high intensity exercise. The primary source of calorie intake should come from proteins and fats.

Anyone of any shape or size who wishes to maintain muscle mass and burn body fat can do carb cycling. You tend to find due to the determination you need to follow the diet it tends to be serious amateur and professional athletes compared to yo yo dieters. 

With carb cycling we want to aim for 5-6 meals a day in intervals of 2.5 - 3 hours start at approximately 7am. It is important that you have a high carb day and a cheat meal. During the stage of ketosis your liver and muscles will be depleted of glycogen causing them to convert body fat for energy. What we don’t want to happen is for your muscles to become completely depleted of glycogen because then the body will look at starting to break down muscle tissue for energy, which isn’t what we’re looking for. Therefore it become important to stick to meal times and ensure that on high carb day your eating the correct amount of carbs. 

Follow our blog for more information on carb cycling and how our dieting journal progresses.

Thursday, 5 December 2013

Feel Good Personal Training - Front and back loading diets

Feel Good Personal Training

Nutritional Tip – Front and back loading diets 
Many studies have shown that front loading your diet is the most affective way of loosing weight, toning and building lean muscle. This means having the majority of your calories at the start of the day. Back loading is when you have the majority of your calories in the evening. Front load by making sure that breakfast is your largest meal. Although it’s important to make sure that this is balanced with a small evening meal. Research demonstrated that a high-calorie breakfast showed an increase in healthy eating compliance and is more beneficial than high-calorie dinner for weight loss, insulin sensitivity, and hunger suppression. Particularly in morning meals that are high fiber and protein.

This is for a few reasons; firstly, eating first thing gets your metabolism working. If you deprive it first thing, the body’s metabolism will often slow down to compensate for the lack of energy. When you then come to eat later on, you are less likely to burn the fuel off and will more likely to store it as body fat.

Secondly, we don’t require a large amount of fuel before bed. If we have a large meal and then aren’t active after, that energy will be taken and stored away as fat. If we are active afterwards, research has shown that our insulin levels (which are responsible for storing energy in the form of fat) stay low, which promotes weight loss.

And thirdly, as we have planned are morning meal we are less likely to make a poor rushed meal decisions early morning or lunch time. 

The NHS recommends for the average female and male to have a calorie intake per day of 2,000 for females and 2,500 for males. If your calorie intake in the morning is low because you’ve skipped breakfast or have a small bite it means you have no possible way of front-loading your diet and therefore are loosing out on all the positive affects of front loading and getting all the negative affects of back loading. I would recommend trying to increase your calorie intake at breakfast to be one roughly third of your daily calorie intake. If you split your recommended daily calorie intake to the following it would be brilliant for toning and health benefits.

Females: Breakfast - 750, Snack - 150, Lunch - 500, Snack - 150, Tea – 450
Males: Breakfast - 850, Snack - 250, Lunch - 600, Snack - 250, Tea – 550

Here are some grab and go breakfast ideas
A veggie omelette and a piece of whole-wheat toast
A whole-wheat English muffin with low-fat cheese, a scrambled egg, and slice of tomato
Smoothie made with fruit and low-fat yogurt
Salmon on 1/2 whole-grain bagel with light cream cheese
Whole-grain cereal with fresh fruit and low-fat milk
Oatmeal made with skim milk, raisins and nuts, with 4 ounces of orange juice
Low-fat yogurt and a piece of fresh fruit
Yogurt Smoothie and breakfast bar
Hard-boiled egg and a banana

Hope you find this information interesting and helpful. For more information about one to one personal training sessions or online training programmes please get in touch. 

Monday, 18 November 2013

Training and Nutritional Tip


Do you know of somebody close to you struggling to stay fit and healthy, afraid to step into their swimming suit come summer, or just struggling to push their fitness levels as much as they’d like. Send them to us to help them reach their goals and if they purchase any of our packages you will receive a FREE gift of your choice from the following.
Feel Good PT Branded Hoody!
A Kettlebell to help you continue your training on your own!
A free PT session with Feel Good Personal Training!
Refer a friend a take your pick from one of our goodies! Look forward to hearing from you soon.

Training Tip

I want to keep this tip nice and simple as it is going to be one of the most important tips I can give you. We all know training is important. But 95% of the time I see gym goers struggling to get the best results they could because their nutrition is letting them down. Remember training isn’t just in the gym. Nutrition plays a key role in getting you the results your after. Don’t neglect it. 
Nutritional Tip 

Getting your sports nutrition right is key to improving your performance as well as optimizing health. While it's important to eat a balanced diet containing adequate amounts of all of the essential nutrients, scientific research has shown that a balanced diet alone does not provide sufficient nutrition to individuals undergoing strenuous physical activities.
A diet containing adequate amounts of macronutrients does not necessarily contain adequate amounts of nutrients. Here are some general points to consider: 
Ensure your diet is nutrient dense
Factor in proper meals & snacks around your exercise routine to provide you with constant energy levels
Eat the right amount of protein for your particular sport
Support your diet with a good multivitamin/mineral supplement
Increase your intake of antioxidants to quench ‘free radicals’
Refuel after exercising to replenish glycogen stores and to avoid muscle wastage
Rehydrate and replace lost electrolytes after training

Get in touch for personalized nutritional plans from are nutritionist team to help you maximize your sporting performance.
Dominic Burns

07757 345 764 

Monday, 21 October 2013

My top 5 pieces of equipment and why

Feel Good Personal Training

 Looking forward to Neil starting one week today! For great deal get in touch

Training Tip - My top 5 pieces of equipment and why

Kettle Bells
 KettleBells are a brilliant bit of kit for high intensity workout at your home or in the gym. With just a few kettle bell you can get great results. Try to avoid fixed resistant machines where you can, free weights are far better for your fixators, core and for recruiting more motor units. 

The VIPR is a great personal training tool that can be used with virtually anyone. I use it for clients with different goals from weight loss to sports conditioning and everything in between. It’s a fantastic for a wide range of whole body exercises that can be tailored to your abilities. It’s a great piece of fun kit that my clients use to carry out personalised programs from home with. Give it ago. 

Leavers, gravity, ground reaction and momentum 
Leavers, gravity, ground reaction and momentum are often overlooked when training. Think about how you can use these forces to reach your clients goals. For example if your client wants to work their stomach try a posterior lunge with a bilateral overhead reach. You’re going to have to work the abs as they control the posterior momentum created by legs and gravity.

The great outdoors 
Training doesn’t need to be in a gym! Try training outside, great way to motivate yourself and mix things up. Some possibilities are interval training on bikes, hill sprints act

Boxing is a hard, fun workout. I find women love it and it’s a great way to let some steam off. Try mixing boxing with a mixture of body weight exercise for a great high intensity workout.

What are your favourite piece of equipment and why?

For more details vist www.feelgoodpt.co.uk 

Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Feel Good Personal Training - How to improve your running times

Do I need to adapt my training schedule if I wanted to start running further distances than the 5k or 10ks?

Running short, fast distances is a different physical demand v half marathons, marathons ect. Depending on your starting fitness level and what time or distance you’re aiming for will determine how you should plan your training periodization.

If you’re currently running 5 or 10k’s then your cardiovascular system can cope with the workload and the most common reason you’re not running further is because you’re suffering from muscular fatigue whilst running which is causing you to stop.

For an average marathon runner, the heart rate during the race will range from 132 to 142 beats per minute. Provided that you pace yourself correctly it will not be a cardiovascular but a muscular endurance limitation that will stop you from running further. To improve the distances you’re running you need to start to improve your muscular endurance. Before we start to talk about what exercises and periodization we should do let’s look at the movement patterns in running that we need to condition the body for. It is worth noting that athletes have their own individualised running style which will affect the conditioning program.

The running stride

The stride can be split into three phrases: support, drive, and recovery. The support and drive phrases occur when the foot is in contact with the floor. Recovery occurs when the foot in flight to the next drive phrase. Let’s talk about these three phrase in more details; It is important to understand each phrase of running in order to develop a successful conditioning programme for the movement pattern we are trying to optimise. 


During the support phase, the foot is in contact with the ground and supports the body against gravity. The body's centre of mass is in the lower abdominal area between the hips. When contact is made with the ground, the knee joint goes into flexion. As the supporting leg bends at the knee, the pelvis lowers on the opposite side. The pelvic dip is opposed by the tensor fasciae lataeilio-tibial band of the supporting leg, the hip abductor, and the abdominals and lower back muscles. The knee flexion is opposed by the eccentric contraction of the quadriceps. The supporting hip continues to extend, and the body's centre of mass passes over the supporting leg. The knee then begins to extend, and the opposite hip rises from its brief dip. The support phase begins to transition into drive.


The drive leg extends at the knee joint, and at the hips. Such that the toe maintains contact with the ground as that leg trails behind the body. The foot pushes backward and also down. During the drive, the foot may extend also, by a flexing of the soleus and gastrocnemius. Because the knee joint straightens, much of the power of the drive comes from the quadriceps group, and in some running styles, additional power comes from the calves as they extend the foot for a longer drive. This motion is most exhibited in sprinting, shorter runs or a forefoot running style.


When the driving toe loses contact with the ground, the recovery phase begins. During recovery, the hip flexes, which rapidly drives the knee forward. Much of the motion of the lower leg is driven by the forces transferred from the upper leg rather than by the action of the muscles. As the knee kicks forward, it exerts torque against the lower leg through the knee joint, causing the leg to snap upward. The degree of leg lift can be consciously adjusted by the runner, with additional muscle power. During the last stage of recovery, the hip achieves maximal flexion, and, as the lower leg rapidly unfolds, which it does in a passive way, the knee joint also reaches its greatest, though not full, extension. During this extension of the leg and flexion of the hip, the hamstring and gluteal muscles are required to stretch rapidly. This creates a load to unload reflex also known as the stretch reflex.

So what have we learn from talking about the bio mechanics of running? Firstly, we have identified that there are different muscle groups at play which we are going to have to concentrate on at different times in the conditioning programs depending on what movement pattern we are optimising. Second, different muscle groups play different roles at different times. And third, we see the importance of the muscles loading to unloading.

Here are some helpful tips to include in your running programs.

 Eccentric lunge to power drive

This exercise is designed for eccentric strengthening of the quadriceps going into load to unload movement pattern.

Step 1: Start with two dumbbells by your side, pick a relatively light weight. Slowly lower yourself into an anterior lunge, aim for a 3 down: 1 up tempo.

Step 2: From this position power up with your legs and arms in a running motion driving the opposite leg forward. If you’re trying to improve your sprinting or fast times then flex the ankle complex to raise the heel.

Step 3: Carry the exercise on by repeating step 1 on the opposite leg.

Improve your endurance

Concentrate on building the endurance in your lower body through compound exercises. A few ideas are squats, deadlifts, planks and lunges. Perform 15+ of each exercise with minimal rest.

Running should be the main bulk of your programme with a mixture of long slow duration runs and shorts sprints. Remember that the running machine will not be as beneficial as running outside.

High intensity training

If you’re trying to improve your times you will benefit from including high intensity training. It is also well-known that increasing the intensity of cardiovascular exercise improves oxygen supply to the muscles and increases the lactic acid threshold in the muscle tissues. Over time, lactates build even at low-intensity activity like marathons. It is important to have a high lactate threshold to tolerate this for longer. Similarly, oxygen supply must be as efficient as possible. So high intensity training is vital for long distance running, even if the run is performed slowly. This will also help when dealing with the difficult terrain that many runners will have to deal with. Hills, descents and rocky ground are often added for an extra challenge, and high intensity training will complement your training programs work by improving recovery times. Remember the treadmill is not the small as running outside and will not be as beneficial.

For more information on personal training see www.feelgoodpt.co.uk

Thursday, 10 October 2013

Nutrition Tip – Funky Feta Skewers

One Mango,
One Melon,
Full Fat Feta Cheese,
Chill powder,
Lime Juice
And Poppy seeds

Put the mango on one plate, melon on another and feta on a third. Scatter some poppy seeds over each, and gently toss so the seeds stick. Assemble 10 skewers with cubes of mango and feta, and 10 skewers with cubes of melon and feta. Stick into citrus fruit, if you like, or arrange on a platter, and squeeze over the lime. Cover and chill until about 20 minutes before serving 
Give it ago and let me know how you get on.

For more information on personal training in Sevenoaks, Tonbridge and Tunbridge Wells get in touch! 

Dominic Burns

07757 345 764 

Running Tips - Dont lift your knees to high

Training Tip – Running, Don't lift your knees too high

Land with a slight bend in the knee. This helps to absorb the impact of running on hard surfaces. Try to not lift your knees too high and avoid bouncing up and down. Your knees should be lifting forwards rather than upwards. Think of your stride and a smooth and controlled movement pattern propelling you forward. As you become fatigued its easy to fall into the trap of bouncing up and down within your stride. This will only increase your fatigue, shorten your stride length and put your joints under unneeded impact.

For more information on personal training in Sevenoaks, Tonbridge and Tunbridge Wells get in touch! 

Dominic Burns

07757 345 764 

Thursday, 8 August 2013

Food faddism

Nutrition Tip – Food faddism
In 2003 it was the Atkins Diet, in 2010 it was the Cambridge diet and in 2013 it’s the 5:2 diet! Do they work or is it food faddism?
Food faddism and fad diets refer to an idiosyncratic diets and eating patterns that promote short-term weight maintenance with little concern for long-term weight loss management.
I do not believe that dieting is a long-term solution to weight management. Diets may well get you some short term results however, I believe that the majority of diets out there are non sustainable and will turn you into a yoyo dieter as you desperately try and struggle to maintain different dieting fads whilst getting poor results.
Your shape is dictated by your lifestyle and genetics. Your lifestyle will give you the body you want. Weight management is about changing your lifestyle to reduce your calorie intake to below or equal to your calorie output. Go back to basics. Set yourself a few simple rules like below, and watch the weight drop off and stay off!!!
Weight management rules.
1.    Make it a lifestyle,
2.    Limit your simple carbohydrate intake
3.    Have breakfast as your biggest meal, followed by lunch and tea as your smallest,
4.    Don’t drink,
5.    Eat plenty of fruit and vegatables,
6.    Don’t have microwave or fast food,
7.    Reward yourself once per week with a cheat meal,
8.    Exercise 3 times per week.
Give it ago. Forget the short-term results that fads diets give you and go back to basis for long term sustainable results and a new body!
Dominic Burns
07757 345 764

Thursday, 4 July 2013

Training Tip – Technique

Don’t forget about the importance of good technique. Technique is one of the keys to getting results. Poor technique will result in lack of results and possibly injury!! Do you make time in your programme to practice and improve your technique? A good way to do this is have a warm up set and then go into your working sets. E.g. Make the first set of each exercise a warm up set on a lighter weight or lower effort level, but really concentrate on the movement pattern and think about what your doing and why! Then move onto your working sets (Normally 3). If you find that your technique suffers when your fatigued try putting in a back of set. This is where you complete high reps at the end of your working sets.