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Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Great Bum workout!

For a great bum workout you need to ensure that all exercises are 
compound movements to maximise the muscles being used with high levels of CV work to.

Bum/tum programme:                                              

Activity Sets Reps Tempo Intensity

Deadlift – dumbbells 3 15 2:2 High

Basic squat 3 15 3:1 High

Chest press 3 15 2:2 High

Clean and jerk 3 15 2:2 High

Lunge – forward 3 15 3:1 High

There are a number of ways the routine can be progressed. You can change the sets, reps, tempo or rest period to create a new stimulus. One of my favourite things to do is perform the exercises using a heavy weight first, then cut the rest period out and complete the workout in a cardio style. I’ve found clients enjoy this type of training – tough as it is and get create results!

I recommend performing this workout on a Monday and then it can be repeated later in the week. If you feel sore or tight in a specific area, give yourself a extra days rest

Here are some alternatives to the exercises listed:

Deadlift – dumbbell deadlift, transverse deadlift, single arm deadlift, single leg deadlift.

Squats – split squats, boss squats, single leg squats, BOSU single leg squat.

Chest press – dumbbell chest press, single arm chest press, Swiss ball chest press, Swiss ball dumbbell chest press, Swiss ball single arm chest press.

Clean and jerk – clean and jerk with dumbbells, single arm clean and jerk.

Lunge – lunge with dumbbells, lunge with Olympic bar, lunge onto BOSU, BOSU lunge with dumbbells, BOSU lunge with Olympic bar.

If you’re wondering what any of these exercise are a great resource is
www.ptonthenet.com, for more information.

I hope this is useful to you all, let me know how you get on!

For more information on personal training see www.feelgoodpt.co.uk 

Monday, 14 November 2011

Alex’s success story

Alex’s success story

Read all about Alex's success story! 

Alex before training 

I started training with Dominic at Feel Good PT 24 weeks ago - since that time I have lost 3 stone I am 10.7 but much more amazingly I have reduced my body fat from 43.8 to 29.6%.  I have gone from a size 16 to a size 8!!!! And I still have some more to go. I am determined to reduce my body fat to below 24%.

Alex before training 

I now do some form of exercise 4-5 times a week and love it. I have so much more energy and confidence. It has been so empowering and would say to anyone that if I can do it they can, but they need the professionals to guide them.  Not once have I injured myself but have been pushed beyond what I ever thought my body was capable of.

Alex after training 

I have recently run a 5k charity race in just over 25mins, and am now planning on a 10k and half marathon. Anti-depressants gone, stress still here but I manage it in such a more positive way now.  My children, family, friends are amazed and so proud of what I have achieved.

Alex after training 

Monday, 7 November 2011

Move of the month - Squats

Move of the month - Squats

This move the month is a squat. Squats are a great exercise for the glutes, hamstrings and quads. A great quality of the squat is there is room for progression and the option to incorporate other major muscle groups.
Start with your feet shoulder width apart. Keep your eyes and shoulders facing forward, gently lower yourself in a control manner ensuring you keep a straight spine and stop when you reach a 90% angle at your knee. Pause then return to the starting position.

If you find you are tight in the calves and raising there heels try getting them to take a wider stance. This should stop the heels rising and give more stability.

To progress the intensity of this workout you can add a new variable such as, dumbbells, Olympic bars, kettlebells or a VIRP to create a new stimulus.
To increase the intensity of the exercise you can incorporate different muscle groups and compound movements.

A few good combinations are;

Squat to shoulder press,
Squat to bicep curl,
Squat to frontal or lateral rise

Give it ago! 

Why not take part in an RNLI Reindeer Run near you

Why not take part in an RNLI Reindeer Run near you